Men’s club is a vital arm of the East Meadow Beth-El Jewish Center. Our activities support the synagogue in several ways. First, through our activities, we not only raise money that helps support EMBEJC, but also provides good times for our members. From “Scotch in Sukkah” to “Bring Your Sweetie to Breakfast” for Valentine’s Day, to the “Word Wide Wrap” where we join men’s clubs from around the world in the mitzvah of wearing tefillin, men’s club is an active force in the EMBEJC community. There are Sunday morning softball games, golf outings, trips to hockey games, educational breakfast speakers on all manner of lifestyle topics – and being available to ensure that EMJC has morning and evening minyans seven days a week.
Each year, we name a “Mr. Men’s Club” for outstanding service to the club, we hold an annual paid-up membership dinner that brings in Las Vegas-caliber talent to perform for us, and we have a year-end barbecue at which our outgoing president gets roasted more quickly than the food!
We support the EMBEJC’s Hebrew school by putting on a Chanukah party with jelly donuts, staging a Purim spiel with Hamantashen, manning the grills and inflating the bouncy houses for our annual Yom Yerushalayim celebration, and provide yellow candles to remember the Holocaust on Yom Hashoah.
Men’s club is all about service. We serve the synagogue, we serve the community and we serve our members. We offer friendship, fun and brotherhood.
Join us.
This website is endowed through the generosity of the Bob Schreibman Memorial Technology Fund.
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